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“My son has had the most remarkable and fulfilling time imaginable.”

– Ilana Landsberg-Lewis (Parent, Executive Director & Co-Founder of the Stephen Lewis Foundation)

“I would like to thank you for everything you have done for Ili. We will forever cherish this experience. Academically, she was inspired, encouraged, and motivated beyond our hopes. She immediately connected with the kids and teachers who welcomed her with open arms. VIS is a school with a HEART and Ili was at home with the wonderful VIS family from the very first day. For this we are grateful.”

– Virag Csikos (Parent, 2023)

“In a word – transformational. Our son & daughter each had the privilege of attending VIS for four years and their experience was truly transformational. VIS’s commitment to academic excellence, maintaining small class room sizes, leading with integrity, and fostering a genuinely nurturing community has had a beautifully positive impact on our kids. We witnessed a remarkable transformation both academically and socially.  The dedicated teachers & staff worked continuously to provide them with personalized attention that cultivated their confidence and motivated them to excel in all aspects of school life. At VIS, our children felt seen, heard and valued. It’s a warm and inclusive institution where kids can feel safe and are encouraged to find AND express their own unique voices, while respectfully embracing diversity and different perspectives. They leave VIS with a strong academic foundation and a strong sense of self, and we believe it will serve them well moving forward. We are grateful for our time at VIS and it will always have a special place in our hearts.”

– The Mauro-Hamilton Family (2019-2023)

“VIS has been instrumental in improving my child’s self-esteem and confidence in learning. The small class sizes, welcoming atmosphere and amazing staff have really helped him find his own voice and realize how much he loves learning.”

– Emily Pengelly (VIS Parent & Managing Director/Co-Founder of Sprouts Kids, 2023)

“Thank you for always being so supportive of our daughter. It does not go unnoticed.”

Bonnie Visentin (Parent, 2022)

“Our daughter has changed since attending VIS. She was always an intelligent and collaborative child, but VIS has awoken a curiosity within her. She has become an enthusiastic learner who is developing the skills to be more consistent, persistent and organized. She is more excited and engaged than ever before. Simply, she loves going to school. Her teachers work hard to support both her brain and her heart – nurturing her unique strengths, building her academic skills and confidence. Sending her to VIS is the best parenting decision we’ve made.”

Jennifer Pearson (Parent, 2022)

“Our son joined VIS in Grade 6.  It is a very special place.  The teachers are wonderful and really connect with the kids.  Our son has developed great learning strategies during his time at VIS – how to stay organized, how to study, and how to take responsibility for his own education.  He will be returning to the public system for high school, and we are confident that his three years at VIS have provided a great foundation for him to navigate high school.”

Rebecca Jones (Parent, 2022)

“VIS provides a caring, engaging environment that has been wonderful for my daughter. She looks forward to going to school every day!”

Cindy Kurz (Parent, 2022)

“VIS is the perfect school for our child—with superlative teaching, he is excelling In traditional subjects such as English and Math in a caring and compassionate environment. VIS’ foundational tenet of Respect reverberates through all aspects of the school which lends to a sense of decency and security for the students.”

Lisa Ellis (Parent, 2022)

“VIS has a robust curriculum in all subjects, and what impresses us the most are the ways in which music, dance, and theatre are incorporated into the program in innovative ways which greatly enriches children’s daily lives and development. We really value the expertise of the skilled and experienced teachers.”

Deborah Neill (Parent, 2022)

“After experiencing both the public school system and another private school option, we finally found a home for our girls at VIS. Not only have they received a superior education, there is an incredible relationship between the students and the teachers that enables them to mentor them beyond just academics. We’ve seen our daughters grow beyond our expectations to become confident, resilient people who apply their knowledge and question their world in a critical and thoughtful way. They are able to make a true contribution through leadership opportunities and they can trust that the school lives up to their values of mutual respect and the ability to explore all ideas.”

– Selene Richards (Parent)

“Voice is an incredibly special school that my brother and I had the privilege of going to for four years. We loved every minute of it. In this time, not only were we given an excellent academic experience but we were also introduced to a new way of thinking. The values taught and ingrained in the school’s philosophy are irreplaceable and have truly had the most lasting impression on our lives. The experiences at Voice were beyond unique and in those moments lasting friendships were made. From day one, I always found the atmosphere of the school nurturing and supportive. Surrounded by wonderful peers and teachers, being immersed in this culture is something everybody can wish for.

The environment at Voice is like no other, where everyone is accepted and there is an overwhelming sense of mutual support. This community allowed me to thrive – to fully be myself, take risks and be accepting of new ideas and challenges – all of which significantly play a large role in who I am. I can confidently say that I would not be the person I am today if Voice was not a part of that journey. My experiences at Voice are irreplaceable and there is nothing that compares to the education I received. I am so appreciative that I was able to be a part of a school like Voice and if you have the fortune of coming I can promise your experience will be inconceivably remarkable.

Quin Zavislake (VIS Alumni, 2017)

“Looking back in the past, the one experience I can say truly changed me as a person was Voice. The amount of support, growth, and outlook on life that I grasped from this school is like no other comparable place. The teachers’ care for students to become successful in their own way is unmatched. Not only does Voice teach important values, responsibility, and compassion for others, but also a great academic environment, for the purpose only to grow. It opened my mind to a more broad spectrum of life, whether it is locally or globally. The initiatives I was able to pursue along with my peers were truly valuable. I learned independence, by putting my foot forward when no one else would and turned into a well-rounded citizen, which makes Voice students stand out. Going to this school for five years gave me a true understanding of what Voice is; not a regular institution for academics, but a place that allows each individual to embrace who they are and let their colors shine through.”

Jake Zavislake (VIS Alumni, 2019)

“Voice has meant so much to both my boys. It provided a safe, compassionate and empathetic environment that they called their home for over 5 years; where they flourished, were heard, and explored their self. VIS fostered integrative learning and critical thinking, so the boys developed strong opinions and took the opportunities given to demonstrate leadership and “be the change” in their world. Our favorite yearly event was listening to them directly about their learning in their student lead interviews. We are grateful as a family that VIS was a part of our lives and will live on forever!”

-Karen Jull (Parent, 2019) & founder of Hi Five For Life.

“Voice has been transformative for our son. Voice recognizes the inherent differences in people. At Voice, students are nourished, encouraged, and challenged. The school culture, created by its phenomenal teachers, is unique. That culture has enabled my son to take academic and personal risks that he would otherwise have shied away from or avoided. Witnessing one’s child supported in his challenges and celebrated in his successes, while learning to do the same for others is a gift that is unquantifiable. This gift, Voice’s contribution to the development of my son’s sense of “self” in the broadest sense, is one for which I will be forever grateful.”

– Christine Schmidt (Parent)

“Voice Integrative School – a place where students, teachers and parents work together to give each student the best opportunity to celebrate who they are, in an environment that supports, guides, enriches and teaches our child(ren) to work both independently and collaboratively. When you walk into the school, you can feel why it is so special. It’s the people that greet you – both students and staff, the beautiful art work that fills the hallways and staircases, the sounds of classes being taught, the celebration of what they do every day in photos, and the projects that fill the shelves which reveal the true nature of the school. Most importantly, it is listening to our own children talk with excitement about the new math project they are working on, how they are utilizing lessons learned in their academic classes to be performed in the next performance, how living history is such an exciting way to learn about the past….and the list goes on….We feel these teachers really understand our children. Recognizing their strengths, but also helping them to understand that taking risks is such an important part of life. Thank you Marie for having a vision. Your school impressed us the first day we visited, and four years later, we still feel the same way.”

– Michelle and James Vaux (Parent)

“My daughter attended VIS for grades 7 and 8. It was a wonderful experience in so many ways. VIS offers an inclusive school community, solid academics with a focus on learning how to study, and a creative arts enrichment that includes some of the city’s most vital artists and theatres. And all of this is set in the Distillery District, providing a ‘schoolyard’ that’s urban, yet contained.”

– Judy Irwin (Parent)

“My daughter is finding her own voice. What a gift! Thank you.”

– Gina Mollicone-Long (Parent)

“My son has had the most remarkable and fulfilling time imaginable – I feel deeply appreciative of what he has been given, the acceptance and nurturing of spirit and mind he has had, and of the school’s approach and intelligence in general. His experience is so well-rounded… from the intellectual and academic, to the opportunity to have a rich performing arts education, team experiences in sports, and a truly integrated and relevant education (both in the classroom and in excursions) around history, literature, language and what is happening outside our own borders. I have enjoyed how much the school invests in helping its students become independent and confident thinkers who are building useful life-skills and loving learning!”

– Ilana Landsberg-Lewis (Parent)

“It’s been 5 years and 2 kids later, since we’ve been at Voice, we still love it! Marie, your passion is what sold us in the first place and I still see it when I talk to you. You are a true educator and the inspiration for the school.”

– Lynn Berryman (Parent)

“To all those who make VIS such a great place: I would like to help spread the word on how this school is more than a school. The environment that the staff creates, encourages learning, and promotes children to be responsible citizens. All three of my boys have grown in so many ways from this special place. This school truly is the best.”

– Jim Rellinger (Parent)

“…You have to know there are a lot of parents who feel very grateful that you were courageous enough to build this wonderful school for our kids to learn and grow in a very unique and special way! THANK YOU!”

– Charline McKissick (Parent)

“We wanted to let you and your staff know just how much we appreciate all the hard work you have done with both our children. We feel so lucky that our children have been involved in an inspiring school such as VIS. Your commitment to excellence and global awareness is truly refreshing and exactly what this generation of kids needs in their lives; a sense of matter, responsibility and trust to all that you can be and more. Emma and Elliott have flourished under the leadership of both you and your team of teachers, and for that we are truly grateful. All of your hard work and dedication is reflected in each of our children. Keep up the great work!”

– Donna and Bill Watson (Parents)

“An unhappy student struggling with her academic identity, our daughter was not living her potential at her previous school. In a short time after starting at Voice, she became interested, engaged, proud of her successes and most specifically began down the creative road that we are certain will define her life. And she has never looked back. Due to your leadership and your amazing group of energetic teachers, she did indeed find her Voice! . . . The world would certainly be different and so much better if every child had the Voice experience.”

– Lisa Stevens & Jamie Button (Parents)

“I want to express my thanks to you. You have created such an outstanding school that is truly exceptional in the way it elevates the students to want to do their best – for themselves. Voice has given our son a sense of confidence that he will carry forward in his life as a student and as an adult. He believes in himself.”

– Sue Scinocca (Parent)

“I came to VIS in the middle of my grade 7 year. Having attended various middle schools with varied success, I began as a skeptic. In time I realized that this school was different. VIS manages to combine the atmosphere of a small school with a rigorous curriculum, thus instilling in its students a life-long love of learning. It was there that I first discovered my passion for global issues, foreign languages, and dance. Today I find myself an active Young Liberal, a fluent French speaker, and dance instructor. I left that school a confident young person with the spirit and the work ethic to take on the world. And with luck, VIS will continue to recognize and nurture the inexhaustible potential of its kids.”

– Patrick Lum (VIS Alumni)

“We would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your school for providing our son with an educational experience that met all our expectations. Your dedicated and enthusiastic teaching staff brought to him the quality education we were striving to find, to better prepare our son for future learning institutes and life experiences… Our son truly did enjoy his VIS two year experience and will miss your school, but he is a better prepared young adult to take on new future challenges.”

– Richard & Michele Lees (Parents)

“Where else are all Grade 8’s offered a placement in any of the high schools of their choosing? This speaks, not only to the academic excellence, but also to the “emotional intelligence,” to which your philosophy embodies. Voice students stand out!”

– Kathleen O’Hara (Parent)

“The school with its expectations, vision, teachers and direction has given the opportunity for my daughter to thrive and expand her horizons, and she has wholly embraced it. I’m a happy parent!”

– Karin Serre (Parent)

“After trying 2 public schools and 3 private schools, Voice is the only place where we’ve found a true community atmosphere where everyone is supported to share who they really are, and express their own unique gifts. While academics are important, giving our children a strong sense of self is imperative. That’s what will carry them forward with confidence and the courage to make their own way in the world.”

– Debra Gould (Parent)

“Perhaps it is inappropriate so early in the school year for fan mail but I must say I feel compelled. My daughter has always enjoyed school so we expect her to be enthusiastic. We did not expect, however, the overwhelming reaction she has had with your program.

She simply loves Voice: the teachers, the curriculum, the attitude, the discipline and the students. Everything. Even math, previously compared by my child to cough medicine, is now one of her favourite subjects. On Tuesday evening she was so excited about her Social Studies homework that it was challenging getting her to go to bed. Voice is a very special place. Congratulations and thank you.”

– Nick Hector (Parent)

“The VIS students have always shown a determination to understand issues and concepts presented to them with an open and inquisitive mindset. They are constantly excited to explore the world around them as it is now, as it once was, and what it could be like through their questions and comments. The staff always amaze me with their energy for teaching, their commitment to each student and their ability to motivate their students to learn. A great school with which to be associated.”

– Neil Fortin (Head of Outdoor Education – Camp Kawartha & The Kawartha Outdoor Education Centre)

“I found your students bright, curious, optimistic, humane, compassionate and invigorating. And I do not use those adjectives lightly. Good for you, for Voice and for them. There is a bright future out there for all of us if these kids keep it up. Adults should be as open-minded and aware.”

– Robert I. Blanshay (Barrister & Solicitor)

“Your school provides so much nurturing and guidance in a safe and beautifully serene environment. I think the kids leave at the end of the day relaxed and able to deal with life better… learning cannot be done in an atmosphere of chaos and bullying.”

– Darlene Pellman (Parent)

“….my daughter has told me several times since last week how much she loves her school……she’s thrilled to be learning so much…”

– Carol King (Parent)

“As the parent of two VIS graduates, I am confident that my children are equipped with the academic preparation, critical thinking abilities and skills necessary in order to function effectively as part of a team. Most importantly, however, my children now possess the awareness that they are part of something much bigger – a global community.”

– Lynn Kieran (Parent)

“The school is a fabulous and unique facility and everyone, students, staff and parents seem energized and raring to go. I’m sure that this is the result of an incredible amount of work and we want you to know that it is appreciated.”

– Ann Fox and Bruce Dow (Parents)

“Just a quick note to all of you at Voice to let you know that our son is a confident, capable student this year and very much enjoying his learning experience in high school. He would not be the person he is today without the empowering support the of the Voice Intermediate School community. We feel very fortunate to have found you when we did.”

– The VanDeursen family (Parents)

“Yesterday I saw a spark in the eyes of those 8th graders that I’ve only seen very few times when working with young people at that age; the intelligent questions, the undivided attention and the sincere sense of interest I experienced is only a testimony to the caliber of education and support they are receiving from you and the teachers at your school.

I am confident that students from Voice will grow to take well deserved leadership positions in their communities and become part of a very positive change that our country and the world badly needs.”

– Suhail Abualsameed (Guest Speaker: Passages to Canada Program, The Dominion Institute)